Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Spring Time Fever

February 21st, Minneapolis Minnesota: 17 plus inches of snow lands over a course of a day and a half. Temps in the 50's to a massive amount of snow in a weeks worth is a big difference. You take a look outside and it's empty. No cars, no people walking, no animals, just a still picture. Looking at such disgust, it really makes it hard to go out and search a spot for some pieces, or even benching (watching trains go by and flicking pics of the graffiti on them). Here I am, sitting on my computer, being a couch potato when I could be out there, ahhh mannn, does it suck!

So before all this snow, I had a chance to search out a spot I haven't been to in a long time. It's been so long I had to get a little help on finding the wall (It's the first time I've been there since I started taking pics of graffiti back in 2007). It felt good, going to a different spot than I normally go to. That spot alone, I flicked around 120 pieces of graffiti. There wasn't any pieces older than 2006 I would assume, since majority of the walls have been buffed. But I still did get to see some awesome newer pieces. Here is a few I really enjoyed...




I also went back to another spot that I haven't been to for while. Noticed I missed some old school pieces Like Drat BTR, Waldo WINS, Slur BTR, Ibet WINS and some other I don't remember.. If you want to see my pictures, Look Here. When a little bit of the snow melts, and I have sometime, I'll be out flicking some more pics of places I haven't been to yet and places I haven't been to in at least over a year. I'm excited for that!

To add one last thing, I thought I might put up my favorite piece I found on my last trip...

Drat BTR

Until next time, AboveTheNorm