Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Introduction to Graffiti

Graffiti. I got into graffiti when I was biking over south one afternoon, a place I wasn't familiar with. While exploring the area for the first time, I went under a bridge and seen pillars splashed with all types of colors. From that day on, in November of 2007, graffiti became one of the most interesting aspects of my life. It's an amazing hobby to have. I found joy, in being the first one to take a picture of a "new" or "old" graffiti. The abstract colors and twisted words, is what attracted me most. I found some old school graffiti from artists that have changed their tags throughout the years.  It is interesting seeing how artists improve their styles as well as their letters. Their talent and creativeness was something that I could connect with.

Drive 2003

Spie 2003

I might not be the most adventurous out of many people in the Twin Cities area who find spots to flick graffiti, but I have had my moments.
To add on, my curiosity brought some dissadvantages. I've got chased by several homeless people. I've also been chased by the cops. I've been inside one of many abandon buildings in the area that are dangerous and hard to find. Finding the best places to take pictures can be a struggle. 

I love graffiti and find that others should notice it as well!!!

See, I never had the intentions to ever do a blog, but my girlfriend thought it would be awesome to talk about graffiti and other interests on here. (I don't know why she would think of something like this, but actually it's a pretty good idea!)

I recently started getting back into graffiti after taking the summer of 2010 off. For most people, they probably don't understand how good it feels to find a area full of graffiti, whether it's in an area in public, or some place a little more hidden, it's awesome. Even though graffiti has got me introuble, it still doesn't slow me down. I've been posting my pictures on since 2007 as well. If you have one, look me up! My user name is AboveTheNorm...

So recently, I found a spot over in St. Anthony, full of graffiti from 2002,2003 & 2004. If you don't know about graffiti, at least in the Twin Cities, when the graffiti is over 6 years old, it's kind of considered old school, or just more of a gem to find. Here's a couple photos from that spot...

4give 2002

Ibet 2003

Gain 2002

Upon this spot being the only new place I've found since my recent return to graffiti, I have a few spots I've learned about that I haven't visted yet. I'm very excited to go out and find new pieces, adding on to my other 2000 plus pics of graffiti. So stay tune, I'll write about other experiences, my new adventures, and such.

I'm outty,

Also, look me up on flickr!!
If you have an account let me know! I'm not into just graffiti, I also love photography. So hook me up!!

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