Monday, January 31, 2011

Struggles of Capturing Graffiti

You can find graffiti in a lot of difference places. Such as abandoned buildings (Mills, warehouses, houses, industries), bridges, tunnels (sewer tunnels, car tunnels, train tunnels), along train tracks, on trains, on trucks and out in public.

In a tunnel. Deuce7.

In an abandon mill. Mack & Stok 7MK

If your not a big fan of graffiti, you probably don't notice how much it is around you. They are in numerous movies and are used in many clothing lines, and if you live in a big city, there are murals all around the area.

Living in Minneapolis Minnesota, many graffiti spots have been buffed these last few years. Because of this, it is harder to find a place full of graffiti. Which means, there is more search in finding a spot. It is not just that though, but winters are harsh here. We have had 17 inches plus of snow at one time and we have had -30 wind shield factors. Most winters are not by any means this extreme, but you always got to be prepared for the worse right? Like the other day. I was walking through snow up to my knees. But unlike others, I'm pretty passionate about graffiti so snow won't stop me, and it sure doesn't stop many graffiti artist in the twin cities such as Beazm, Beps, Hbak, Junt, Opak. Big ups to them! (I might be missing some names but these are just a few artist I see all over the spots I check out as well as pictures I see on flickr.)

Beazm FMPM

Beps, Junt, Opak GP


Graffiti isn't so much a hobby, but for artist that constantly get up, it is their passion. Just to add a few other things to this blog, here is a few pics that I have from old school writers of Minneapolis that have been the influence of many Minneapolis writers of this generation.

Bed ROTS 1999

Daesk 1999

Eros AKB TCI 1999


Nimz, Bleak, Hake WND 1998

Poe KYT & Spell HM 1999

Puzl KYT 1999

Gotta love graffiti!! And if you hate it, Fuck you! :)

For next time, AboveTheNorm.

Also, Check out my Flickr Page, and add me Right Here!


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